Sunday, June 6, 2010

2010: MAY-JUNE - 'You say this gadget of yours is for ordinary people. What on earth would ordinary people want with computers?'

It's been a slow month in the Moviequest department with the university learning and the watching most of the seasons of Buffy: The Vampire Slayer. My plan from here on in is to watch ten movies and then write some opinion of them as a group. So, here be the last ten movies I have seen. I think the Bad:Good ratio has changed significantly.

Ace Venture: Pet Detective.

Barton Fink.

Date Night.

French Connection, The.

Hot Tub Time Machine.

MASH movie.

Pirates of Silicon Valley.

Raise Your Voice.


Untouchables, The.


2 "comedies".

1 actual comedy.

1 drama/comedy.

1 mindfuck/comedy.

Only one DeNiro movie - note: not a comedy.


3. The Untouchables - 'I want him DEAD! I want his family DEAD! I want his house burned to the GROUND! I wanna go there in the middle of the night and I wanna PISS ON HIS ASHES!'

2. Sicko - 'An educated, healthy and confident nation is harder to govern.'

1. Pirates of Silicon Valley- 'Get real, would ya? You and I are both like guys who had this rich neighbor - Xerox - who left the door open all the time. And you go sneakin' in to steal a TV set. Only when you get there, you realize that I got there first. I got the loot, Steve! And you're yellin'? "That's not fair. I wanted to try to steal it first".'


Here I am going to have to go with my number 1, Pirates of Silicon Valley. Yes, I've chosen a made-for-TV movie over The Untouchables, but Al Capone is dead and he can't get me now. While Bill Gates, THAT guy is a king of the dollar in present society. Pirates of Silicon Valley is a biographical drama about how Bill Gates and Steve Jobs came to be as they existed in the late 90s. Bill Gates of course being the Microsoft guy and Steve Jobs being Mr. Apple himself. They compete. Steve Jobs gets pwned. I laugh at my Mac-loving boyfriend. I didn't expect much from this as I acquired it from people who I will describe as technophilic electronerds (they are similar to any group of people who believe their ideas are the ones to curb the future - young university socialists, indie bands, anyone with a beret or patterned fedora, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs). This movie presents a story that I wish more people knew. It isn't just a nerdfest movie. The story of Mac and Microsoft IS actually interesting, and if you are alive right now, it's probably impacting your life (she writes on her computer running from Microsoft XP - I really gotta update that). Plus, the movie dialogue and visuals (while inherently 90's and low budget) were fun. I suspect that, given the current iEra, a sequel to this movie would end with a much happier Mr. Apple. By happier, I mean richer.

Sicko was also fabulous (although, ALWAYS approach a Michael Moore movie with understanding that there may well be large doses of bias) and Date Night has functioned in the annual refreshing of my hope in American comedy.


I have four incongruent words to present - Hot Tub Time Machine. This is an example of a movie that you expect to be bad, and then, IT IS BAD. Not only was the movie bad, but my popcorn was burnt. The dialogue is bad, the concept is bad, and I hate John Cusack so much more now (I can never, and will never, explain the hatred for John Cusack I use as a general beacon of life). Did I mention - the word 'bad'? This movie may appeal to - people who think it is being ironic (a.k.a. people I hate), people who are my brother (a.k.a. people who are stupid jocks), and people who had non-burnt popcorn to eat (a.k.a. those who were able to be saved by the buttery kernels of distraction). If I ever have to see this movie again, I will ... probably have a more depressed outlook on life.

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